Thursday, August 4, 2016

Content Marketing 101: The Recipe for Blogging Success

“Marketing is telling the world you are a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world that you are one.” –Robert Rose 

Undoubtedly, content marketing is one of the most difficult tasks in the world. It is not a one-time endeavor that would instantly catapult to your success. It requires constant dedication, continuous commitment and a remarkable skill for keeping audiences engaged and interested in you riveting blogs and contents. Regardless of whether you are working for a digital marketing agency or are doing your own freelance work, enough experience with blogging and content marketing would easily tell you just how much of a challenge it is, and you would need a sense of enduring determination for you to succeed.

One of the many reasons why some would fail in their attempts at successful blogging is because they commenced the task without fully comprehending the full implications of what blogging entails. As a result, they would fall short at accomplishing their intended objectives. Fortunately, identifying the pivotal elements, a blog would need to succeed can assist you in blogging success. Here are some of the elements you would need to take a closer look into.

1.)    Core Values 

Any business would have core values and likewise, so should your blog. These core values should be fashioned in a way that they should extend beyond an individual. These values would propel you forward and commit to doing contents.  True enough, a blog can be commenced and kept going by a single individual, but blogs that aim to drive sales or support them or are media entities should be a team effort united by these values. Put your selected blog’s core focus on paper, not hidden in your computer files.

2.)     Set big goals 

While it is good to be realistic, when it comes to blogging it is important to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and commit to accomplishing stuff that is quite beyond your reach. This means you have to show up at the page on a regular basis and at the very bare minimum, you should publish at least two blog posts a week to keep your audiences engaged. Aim for objectives that are aligned with your business goals. This can be anything from building your brand to celebrating fans or driving more traffic to your website.

3.)    Create a “cult” culture 

One thing you have to keep in mind that the Internet is teeming with blog posts that while your blog might be individually created, it would take time before it can develop its own unique identity. Your goal should be to create a brand which your audience can feel comfortable associating with themselves to. This goes hand in hand with deciding the values at the heart of your blog for you to use these in developing your blog’s brand.

4.)    Plan for both the short and long term 

Blogs are not one-time coup attempts; they are on –going entities that would require social media and content marketing at the same time. To ensure you have a steady engagement with your audience, it is critical that you have content that is centered around annual events as well as newsworthy announcements and regular columns. Have an editorial calendar included in your blog which would continuously provide fresh content for the blog and in a sense, think like a magazine.

5.)    Be prepared to change

True enough, you should be able to adhere to the core values you have established, but you have to consider that times would change and so would your audience tastes. As a competent blogger, you should be able to adapt to these. Continuously provide information related to your core topic that would also be relevant to your reader’s need. Additionally, you can place a suggestion box on your blog.

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