Thursday, February 18, 2016

Social Media Etiquette: Don't Hit The Post Button Just Yet!

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Have you ever tried to pause and think before hitting the post button? Or even trying to re-state your content before posting it? Or perhaps, you belong to hundreds of people who just don't care about what they post? Remember, it is not just about posting. Social media is also about being rational in every approach you make. Even an online marketing agency knows so well that the content you post on social media can make or break you.

Generally, people do not care about the things you post online. But you also have to remember that the activities you do online reflect on who and what you are. If you tend to post irrational or nonsense content, then people will think you are an ignorant person. Eventually, they will lose respect for you. And I'm sure you don't want people will label you as such. Right?

Sad to say, not all people are educated on this matter. As a result, more and more people are being careless on the things they do online. If you don't want to be irresponsible for every post you make, then below are the questions you should ask yourself before you hit the post button.

Am I seeking approval?

One of the most rewarding feelings, when we post something interesting, is that red flag are popping up to notify you that someone is giving you attention. And sometimes, it's addictive. When you feel like you wanted to have that feeling again and again, then perhaps, you are seeking their attention and approval. It's not a bad thing at all. In fact, people will most likely wait for your next interesting posts. But before anything else, it is a must for you to consider a healthier post and scrap the idea of posting unhealthy ones. In that way, you will please more people with the posts you have.

Am I boasting?

There's a thin line between sharing excitement and bragging. Unfortunately, not all of us know the difference of both. And as a result, most of us brag about something that we have. Before you post, you have to go over your content and examine your motivations first. If you think that people don't care about the things you flaunt online, then you might be bragging about it. However, posting something that can grab the interest of your readers is another thing. And if you don't want to annoy your readers, you have to have a good judgment on your motives and words.

Am I discontent?

Whether you agree with me on this or not, social media will never give you contentment. The more you receive praise from your audience, the more you are motivated to post more content. It's a cycle. If you feel like you are looking for something better for your well-being, then social media is not the answer. The posts you will read can only make or break your day. Yes, you might get some advice from your readers, but it's just it. It is on your own will to be motivated by doing things that make you feel satisfied inside and out. Well, I suggest, if you are discontented, you better walk away from social media for the mean time and find yourself in serenity.

Is this a moment to protect?

Social media is a jungle. People strive to be noticed by their audience. Of course, competitions are all around you. And these competitors will try to steal something from you and make it as their own. If you are a kind of person who values privacy, then it is your responsibility on whether or not to post something that is valuable for you. Yes, people know you as a good person who also posts good and interesting topics. But at least, you are not giving them all the information about your life. Protect what's yours, and you will not have any problem at all.

Is it kind?

This is one of the things most of us forget to consider. Remember, social media is not your diary where you can freely post any rants. Some of us here even pots curse words, which is definitely a no-no. Yes, we have a freedom of expression, but you also have to remember that what you post online reflects of who and what you are. And if you don't want people will label you as someone who is not educated enough to post something stupid, then you have to think again if it's kind and for the betterment of all mankind. If not, then stop!

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