Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Assist Your Writers in Navigating Through Google

Writing by itself is hardly a walk in the park.

Writing for search engine optimization (SEO for brevity) is, for a lack of better term, even harder.
There will be countless times wherein frustrated writers will try to insert keyword after keyword into their articles no matter how out of place they may seem or how off they may sound. But this is the least of your problems. The problem really sets in and creates quite a dilemma when you give your writers clear cut instructions and you would still see them scratch their heads in confusion.

To you, directions such as “create clickable titles and insert keywords or phrases in the H1” may sound like straightforward instructions. But to your poor flummoxed writer, this is equated to jargon speak that leaves them perplexed. While navigating through Google Land, driving on their own might get them to their intended destination, but it not always practical and it will be costly as well. Instead, these writers will need you take the wheel and have them observe from the passenger seat. 

Shall you guide your writers well with clear directions, and hand them a road map if you may, you would not only be assisting them into writing better articles (as their writing will certainly improve) but you would be investing in your company’s ROI as well.

To ensure that this comes into fruition, there are five things you need to take note of:

Get a realistic assessment of your writers’ skills

This will enable you to provide the appropriate your writers might require. Some of your writers may already be SEO writing demi-gods, but you may have employed writers who are rather skilled in writing but are novices in writing for SEO. 

Writers who are already well versed with SEO writing would benefit more from advanced tips and strategies while those who are newbies to the field would need more instruction and involvement from you. Do not erroneously assume that an experienced writer is highly skilled in SEO as innumerable writers are still operating on obsolete SEO information which could be detrimental to your website.

Craft easy to reference SEO content guides

Set your expectations and relay them to your writers clearly and concisely. Be very specific on how long you want the blog posts to be, how you would like Titles and meta descriptions to be structured and other details you want to be included. After a rigorous training series, these things can often be overlooked and neglected. 

Create a guide that would outline what your expectations are from your writers and their posts and provide examples as well.

Evaluate your training options for SEO content

Simply sending your writing team to a conference would not be very effective. Instead, it would be to your advantage and to the benefit of your writers if you created a comprehensive and customized program. Always take into account that your writers come from different backgrounds, some may already have experience in SEO while some may not. 

Some may have been previously employed and had experience in a different area of writing than the one your company is hosting. Consider these things and develop a program for them. At the very least, your training should include SEO writing and editing principles, keyword, and keyphrase research, creating top-converting Titles and Meta description.

Frequent follow-up training should be offered

Google does not stay stagnant and in order to keep up with its changes, you need to develop training sessions for you writers. Apart from assisting your writers in refining their craft, this is also an excellent way to review and revisit your SEO techniques, polish them and evaluate if they might be getting obsolete.

Always provide adequate feedback

Never underestimate the power of giving feedbacks and constructive criticisms.
Your writers will thank you for this. By consistently providing adequate feedback, your writers will feel that you are more involved with their work apart from you pointing out where they need to improve. 

The more you provide feedback, the more their craft improves and the more confident your writers will feel in their work. Be specific in your feedback, point out the areas where improvisation is called for and give praise where praise is due. A simple “You’re doing a great job!” or “You can do better than this” would not cut it.

Try these steps out and provide the necessary skills your writers will need for SEO success. You will aid them in becoming confident and effective writers and help them in safely arriving at their destination faster. Perhaps these five steps are all you need to give your writers that map to successfully make that trip around Google-land.

SEO 101: Methods for Client Acquisition and Retention

Search Engine Optimization involves a lot of aspects should you want better client acquisition and retention. Should you be an SEO consultant, being in the business alone would test the boundaries of your patience. Apart from that, you need to be crafty and creative in very diverse aspects. But apart from thinking out of the box when it comes to link building services, you should also be great in acquiring clients and retaining them as well.

After all, what good is a service if people do not even buy it or at least recognize it?

Perhaps the easiest (yet overlooked) and the most basic way in acquiring and retaining your clients is to consistently provide great service. Alone, this would suffice and would directly influence your client acquisition process but compounded with effective delivery, then you have in your hands a top notch SEO service. 

However, this is easier said than done and no matter how easy SEO may come off to some people, it is a reality that some of the processes may be a bit difficult to comprehend. That is what this post is for, to further expound on the processes you can utilize in order to strengthen and lengthen the partnership you have with your clients.

Keyword research and discovery compounded with content strategy is key

Selecting keywords that will assist your clients in having their sites discovered by potential customers is a rather conventional and commonplace wisdom when it comes to search engine optimization practices. However, what most people in the business overlook is the fact that in order for this to be effective, you need to align your data with the content of your site. This will give your audience better pages that would target to organic search visitors.

Do not disregard advanced search technologies

In order for your client to maximize his reach on potential visitors, clients and customers, you should not discount the impact of advanced search technologies. It is best to integrate this into your SEO practices as early as today as search is gradually transitioning into these newly advanced techniques. Should you disregard these new practices, you run the risk of offering obsolete and outdated procedures to your clients.

Utilize holiday campaigns to be relevant as well to herd potential customers

Do you want your clients' websites to stay relevant all year long? Planning holiday campaigns might help you there. This practice will help your clients' customers and visitors feel more connected to them as launching holiday campaigns makes them feel like you are reaching out to them at a personal level. Apart from that, holiday campaigns usually have an uplifting and joyous aura about them. Do not just limit yourself to holidays worldwide, research for various holidays celebrated around the world, choose an appropriate one and integrate them in your holiday campaign.

Do content networking

To get more visibility for your clients' websites then it would be best if you start investing on building quality niche sites. As this specifically targets industries and markets where your clients are in, this would assist them in getting more leads in their businesses and would also prove to be an advantage to your service in various ways seeing as these niche sites will make a few aspects in your process a lot easier (piercing the blogosphere where your client's business is, creating hard to replicate links, earning extra income through ads, etc.)

Foster a good relationship with your clients

This may sound basic, but it may surprise you how so many of SEO industries tend to neglect this. Fostering a good relationship with your clients builds their confidence in you and would likely result into retaining your clients for the long haul. When you invest in your relationships with your clients, they would feel like they got more than their money's worth, trust you and are likely to give you an outstanding word of mouth recommendation.

Search engine optimization alone can be tricky. When compounded with the need to acquire clients and retain them as well, it just got a lot more difficult. However, it does not have to stay that way all the time. Utilize these various techniques and let it work to your advantage.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

4 Online Marketing Scams you Need to Avoid
Online marketing scams are rampant. Some of you here might have already experience being deceived by interesting offers and/or promos while others just didn't realize that they have already been victimized by some online marketing scams. Like any other online marketing agencies, there are companies that give you an intriguing offer with the hopes that you might like and engage with the products and/or services that they had the offer.

When you are exposed to online activities, there will be a higher chance that you will encounter these kinds of scam. Of course, at first you will not know that it is a scam since the offer is quite reasonable enough for you to be tempted to engage with their business. However, as you go along, carefully reading their business or company description, you will eventually realize that that particular company is a scam. You will only know that if you are keen enough to every online transaction that you will have.

Yes, the offer might sound appealing to you, but how sure are you that it is not a scam? There are actually a lot of online marketing scams, and below are the top 4 most common online marketing scams that most people have already been victimized by it. Some of you here might encounter these scams – well, just ignore it!

1. Fake affiliate marketing training

Online training seminars can immediately grab the audience's attention, especially when he/she is really looking for one. Offering an online training for SEO Marketing, for example, is a temptation, enough for you to engage immediately with the offer. And if you are searching for more, there will be hundreds to thousands of people trying to sell and/or offer you a course, an e-book, and/or other various kinds of information that you want to have.

Yes, they might have offered you a good product, but these products are often nothing more than a rip-off. You don't actually learn anything useful and you have already spent your money for a single course or an e-book. Moreover, the materials that were given to you were full of fluff and no real, actionable lessons. If you want to have a good training, you have to make sure that you know the company very well. Check their backgrounds if they are really credible for conducting online training seminars.

2. Get-rich-quick offers

Getting rich in the quickest way as possible is definitely impossible! They gave you an interesting deal that when you invest a $2,000, it will be doubled or tripled overnight. This is definitely a mind-blowing offer, but don't fall for it. If they are not scams, they will let you invest in an open book product or service – not with the "secret system that works". Also, this is one of the most rampant scams you will see online. When you fall for its offer, then you have been deceived.

Money is very important to our everyday lives. We live with the use of money. However, you always have to remember that money doesn't come in an easy way; you have to work for it. Investing it with some offers that you are not sure with is definitely not a good option.

3. No product/service to sell

When a marketer is convincing you to join their business with no products and/or services to sell, then you better think twice before saying yes to them. If a particular company is offering you a good deal with no products – then this is obviously a scam. How can one person get rich or double their money when in the first place they don't have something to promote or sell to? What is it that you are actually selling?

A pyramid scheme is one of the most common scams that you might encounter later on. It is a scheme where no one is actually making any money.  One person tries to make an investment to join the program and after that, the money that you have invested will be passed around from one person to the next. And you just didn't realize that you already being deceived.

4. Pay-to-join programs

Online marketing nowadays already has programs for people who are interested in joining. However, not all online programs are legit and trustworthy enough for you to be joining. Usually, they will let you pay first before signing in for the registration. And when you do, there will be higher possibilities that you cannot open a particular link for you to be one of the ‘members' of the club and/or whatever program that you are joining.

Yes, online is used to connect with other people and share some new and interesting ideas. However, it will always not be the case. Before joining a particular club or program, you have to make sure that you have checked their background on to what they are up to, or what company they really are. With that, you will have an idea on the things that you are doing online.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Be seen on Google: Craft Better Tutorials!

Anyone with a smart mobile phone or desktop/laptop and Internet access is bound to have an instructional how-to guide. Recipes, do it yourself projects, computer programming—you name it and there is a guarantee that you are bound to find something useful online. Just type away at the search box, hit enter and voila! Instant results!

In relation to this, should you be a wise digital marketing agency, you would be exploiting this marketing potential. After all, every single online marketing agency in business is competing for the much coveted top spot of Google's search results. So what better way than to make use of what people are constantly searching for online?

However, as straightforward as that may seem, it is not as easy to execute. Yes, writing a how-to guide can be easily done in a matter of hours or minutes in fact but lump that with a hundred or more so similar guides and your page will be buried in the search results. Before long, your how-to guide will not gain as much traction as it should and eventually, it will become irrelevant caused by stagnancy. For this reason, you need to make your how-to guides interesting and catchy, make it stand out.

To achieve this, you can:

Just like in school, showing and telling works to your advantage

No matter how comprehensive and expansive your tutorial is, nothing really beats explaining it in video format. And it makes sense because people would rather see how to do it than be taught how to do it simply by a large block of text. As can be gleaned in illustrious video sharing website, YouTube, video tutorials make up a huge block of its existing videos. From this, it can be inferred that users prefer this instructional medium above others. Consequently, utilizing this technique and having a great presence on Google's own video-sharing website will greatly reward you.

Use photos. Show and don't just simply tell.

If resources are hard to come by then use interesting photos that relate to your content. Sure, it may not be as effective in showing your viewers what to do, but a photo illustrating each step in the process is just as fine. Consequently, as this is written text and information, it would be best to use traditional SEO techniques that are appropriate for this format. 

Choose an appropriate target keyword, use the same keyword in headers and tags and include the same keyword in potential phrases people may likely search up. Including many photos as you possibly can in your how-to content creates a better understanding for the reader where words are not enough. Additionally, it would increase website visibility in image searches by including alternative tags and titles that include your keyword.

Utilize all available social media platforms

This is a basic technique in SEO: Be seen, be relevant, gain traffic and traction.
Accordingly, as this is the case, you should not limit your marketing campaign in a single social media platform. Widen your reach and diversify your content your social media content and gain more followers, viewers, and users this way. The more platforms you utilize, the chances of it getting shared by viewers are higher. Consequently, viewership rates will increase which would signal Google that your content has value.

Visit Quora or Reddit to find ideas for your next tutorial or how-to list

If you truly want your tutorial to make waves online or at least be relevant or if you are just at a loss as to what to write next, visit Quora or Reddit for a hub of tutorial and how-to ideas. These sites will serve as your window of information as to what the online population is currently clamoring for or what particular tutorials are on demand. After crafting your own tutorial, you can then go back to the site and post your tutorial for the users to see. Consequently, you wouldn't just be catering to their demands but promoting your page as well.

These four tricks are jumpstart tips to get you started with your tutorials or how-to lists and videos. Utilize them well and perhaps, maybe you can even discover some tips for yourself.  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

How to Excel at Asking for Advice from SEO Experts
Doing SEO on your own is a challenging thing to do. Agree? That is why, some of you here seek help from an SEO consulting services or an expert to have better and desirable SEO results.  Well, seeking out the opinions and advice from an SEO expert is not a bad thing at all. In fact, you will definitely avoid unwanted and costly mistakes made of naivety. Yes, you already decided on asking some help. But do you know how to get that conversation started?

One way or another, social media has made it easier for us to connect and be connected with the experts. When you involve yourself socially, you can get new SEO ideas. However, most SEO experts are interested and willing to give advices when you know how to ask – not just simply asking. Yes, it is a matter of the approach and/or how you ask rather than simply asking them for help. Well, if you can pull it off, they are much more willing and interested to offer a hand.

If you think that some of them might be ignoring you, then perhaps you are asking the wrong way. Yes, experts help people who are in need when it comes to SEO. However, they are also a busy person, and catering people who don’t even know what they want to ask is just wasting their time. If you are one of those people who have a hard time on how to properly ask SEO experts for any advices, then below are some of the tips you might want to try to apply in order to get their attention.

Before you ask an expert a question, try to answer it yourself

It is a fact that not all questions that we ask is hard enough for us to answer. Right? Sometimes, we just ask something without thinking that we can answer that particular question ourselves.  Well, if you really don’t know, Google is there to help you know. However, when Google doesn’t even know the answer, then this might be the perfect time to seek help from the SEO experts. Be resourceful enough to find some answers, SEO experts might think that you don’t extend enough effort to find the right answer for your question.

Briefly explain who you are

Aside from the concerns you have, one of the things SEO experts want to know is who you are. They want to know who they are talking to, and to make sure that they are not talking to a robot. Generally, if they know who you are, they might give some advices that best fit with the position or the situation that you are in. Also, giving experts a brief background about you is one of the appropriate and professional ways to approach an SEO expert.

Ask questions that are clearly defined, but not necessarily specific to your exact circumstance

We all know that the clearer the questions are, the clearer the answers we can get from an SEO expert. However, just because it has to be clear, it doesn’t mean you can be too specific in giving the exact situation that you are in. It is mostly not the case! Sometimes, experts don’t care about the exact situation that you are experiencing. They find it annoying when you go too personal about it. If you have a specific concern, then try focusing on asking on a more general question. Yes, experts may not know the exact scenario on the circumstance that you been experiencing; however, they can give you advices that are more likely close to the situation that you are in.

 Proofread what you write

One of the most embarrassing for you to experience is when you have a lot of grammar and spelling errors in your question. And since you don’t proofread what you write, there are times that the words and/or sentences are scrambled, that even you don’t understand what you want to ask. Embarrassing, isn’t it? Well, in order for you to avoid it, proofread and edit what you write.

Double and triple-check how to spell his/her name

Know who you are addressing your concerns to. His/her name is important for you to know and how to spell it. Although, this might just be a simple thing for you, however, for them, it might be a sensitive thing to have since you already murdering their name. Moreover, having their name misspelled means that you are not paying attention to your message – and it is definitely a no-no!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ridiculous Sentences That Are Holding You back From a Marketing Success
Words are dangerous, how much more if it is a sentence? It can create and destroy your career.  Yes, as human beings, we are prone to making excuses. Every one of us here deals with the same sentiments, especially when we feel like being insecure and immature at times – and then, excuses came in! Do you know that excuses are ridiculous and can hold you back from a marketing success? Well, if you are working in a digital marketing company Philippines, excuses are strictly a no-no!

If you try to ask successful marketing professionals who excel in their work, one of the common qualities they possess is doing their respective task without any excuses. Excuses will definitely make your day. Well, if you are one of those marketers who are unaware that you are already trying to make an excuse, then below are some excuses that you might tend to use it all the time.

“I’m too busy.”

If you are busy, we are too! We are all busy with our own duties and responsibilities as a marketer. There are even times that our tasks are already pilling with another task – and it is annoying just by thinking that we still have a lot to do. Yes, it might be a valid reason, but definitely not an acceptable one. Do you know that being “too busy” can hinder the success of your marketing career? Yes, due to our busy-ness, we are unaware that we already tend to create a wall that hinders change. Sometimes, we are not willing to re-prioritize, to examine possibilities, and to change to accommodate another opportunity – and it’s a sad thing.

Why don’t you try having a to-do list? In that way, you will identify which of your task is the most top priority for you to do, rather than accumulating and finishing all your tasks at once. It's tiring and it’s killing you.

“I don’t have the experience.”

Having this as an excuse often means of perfectionism – not in an “anything worth doing is worth doing it right” way. You definitely won’t know and learn anything if you don’t try it in the first place. If you lack experience, this is one of your opportunities to know more about it. Doing digital marketing is a skill, it can be learned. Even if you don’t have any slightest idea about the marketing industry, if you are just willing to learn, then there is definitely a room for improvements. Learning for the first time might be a challenge on your end, however, that’s when the learning fun begins.

“I need more money.”

Oh please, we all do! Yes, we may be struggling and stuck with our financial responsibilities, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t use any other means. It is a matter of how you perceive things and on how you approach them. Well, if you don’t have any budget to do and have the things that you need, then you might as well find an alternative route to find your own funding. Sometimes, you have to make some sacrifices and cut unnecessary expenses on the things that we like. Most of the successful digital marketers start their business with small about of budget, then they make it grow.

“It’s not worth it”

 Do you know that success starts with small opportunities that come your way? There are times that we ignore small things and go after the big ones. Yes, it is a good thing that you aim high. However, aiming high without any certainties that you can definitely achieve such goal, then it might not be the right path for you. Especially if you are one of those starters, you have to invest first and in smaller ones. In that way, you have a lot of room for improvements. And as your business grows, your journey as a digital marketer also grows through your own personal experience.

“I can’t”

Don’t even think about it! These words are definitely unhealthy for you and for your career. Thinking and putting negativity on your system will surely doom you. Why is it that you can’t, while everybody can? Even if you don’t excel in a particular field, at least you have tried doing it; you will excel in it eventually. If you are a marketer, never allow this kind of excuse ruin your life.

Friday, September 18, 2015

4 Personal Things You Should NEVER Put on Social Media
The main purpose of social media is to connect with other people. Right? We usually use it to make friends, to reach out to our close families and/or relatives who are far away from us. And most especially, almost all of the people nowadays rely on social media in getting information about the happenings with the surroundings that we have. Even digital marketing agencies use social media to connect with their potential clients. Without social media, just imagine how things would be inconvenient for us.

 Social media is important to our everyday lives. However, not all the information that we see and read can be on our advantage. Sometimes, we tend to be deceived by the tempting offers we see on social media – sounds real, but it is a scam! Of course, it is just not about what you see; it is also all about what you put on your social media account that puts you in the disadvantage side.

Yes, there are certain things that we put in our social media accounts that we are unaware of. When we do, there are high possibilities that the things that you include might be used against you. Well, if you are cautious enough when it comes to your security, then below are some things you should never include in your social media accounts.

1. Your personal phone number

Putting your personal number on your account is way too private for you to do. What’s the point in sharing your phone number publicly when they can even reach through private message? Also, if that person has something important to talk about with you, they can ask your phone number through messaging you privately.

The danger when you share your phone number is that, you will most likely have some prank calls, stalkers, scammers, and identity thieves that would love to mess with you. And I’m sure you don’t want to experience being annoyed with those calls. Right?
2. Your home address

Your home address, especially when it is your permanent address, is definitely a confidential thing to share in public. Yes, your information is also important, however, sharing it in social media without knowing the consequences might put you in danger. If you don’t want to have some stalkers, burglars, thieves, and/or any other people who might want to know where you live, and with a bad motive in mind, then you better keep your home address private.

3. Your valuable and expensive things

One of the common attitude that we have is that, whenever we have something that we really like and proud of, we tend to boast it through online. Yes, there might be a lot of people will like it. However, you don’t know what others might think. There are times that it might be the cause of misunderstandings between the other people. Also, you might not know, there is someone out there who wants to steal it. And I’m sure you don’t want that to happen with you. Just be cautious of the valuable things that you have.

4. Your payment information

There are social media platforms that want your credit card number, and adding your financial information lets you buy gift cards and other products without any hassles at all. Well, that might work on your end. However, how sure are you that the financial information that you gave is safe with them? Giving them what they want might be one of the many ways that they can easily hack your account. You just don’t notice that you have been already robbed by unknown users. Yes, it already happened, and many people were already victimized by that kind of scam.

There will always be a freedom of expression in social media. Whatever you want to post something, you can definitely post it – without someone reprimanding you. Of course, it is your personal account and you have all the right to do what you want. However, you have to be responsible for what you do socially, that if you don’t want to put your life at risk – and I’m sure you don’t! You can enjoy using it without putting your life in danger. Well, just make social media as an entertainment, the source of information (verify it though), but definitely NOT your dairy!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Content Marketing 101: Six Types of Content to Boost Traffic and Engagement

People make the rookie mistake of thinking that content marketing is all about blogging. 
However, this is a vast understatement and a misconception no less. We have reached new depths in the creation of content that blogging is just one of the many and diverse ways to do it.

 However, with so many options to choose from, which of these drives more traffic to our respective websites? 

Which of these have better online traction and user engagement? 

A direct answer would be the hip and trendy ones. However, it is not as straightforward as we all think it should be. Utilizing just one type of popular content may initially guarantee you results, however maintaining this would prove to be difficult. Moreover, marketing just a single type of content is a surefire way to make your traffic and engagement rates tank and dip. The key is to add something new to the mix every once in a while. Make your page fun, exciting and fresh. 

So if you’re looking to add a new spin to your contents, let this article serve as your menu of the various types of contents you can choose to utilize on your page. 


Guides are fairly common online and more often than not, they are usually exhaustive when it comes to detailing the information they are trying to convey. This is understandable as guides do not simply offer their readers information but rather, they have that authoritative voice that teaches their readers the relevant techniques on how to go about what is discussed. 

This content is relevantly popular as it encourages readers to do things themselves and take whatever task they have at hand by the reins. Though they are lengthy compared to other types of content, they are popular as they provide extensive information. 


Making memes is one of the best content marketing ploys to attract a diverse population of online users and readers as it is fresh, new and trendy. It was fairly unheard of in the early 2010’s and made a sudden impact in the latter part of that same year. Memes are popular in a sense that they are humorous and readers can relate them better which is why they are such a hit with the online community. Memes utilize the voice of your audience who made this type of content popular in the first place. 

Memes are fun-filled pictures usually associated with pop culture alongside just a sprinkle of words. To make this more effective, they usually have a humorous undertone. It does not take a lot of brainwork to do and is relatively easy to utilize which is it is so popular. 


Videos offer you a lot more variety than ordinary writing ever can. 

It offers you a whole lot of possibilities and it certainly presents your content in a more visually entertaining way. Because videos are a lot more versatile than written contents, aestheticism is easily achieved through the utilization of motion pictures. Additionally, it helps you convey your message better, memorably and succinctly as well making this type of content effective in gaining traction. 

If it is done well, its power of persuasion will be unmatched.


This one is a bit more popular than the rest and is certainly making rounds online. In fact, each and every content writer must have written at least one how-to article in her career. This is because how-to’s are relatively easy to do and succeed in capturing the interest of your audience. 

It is less extensive than a guide and is certainly not as exhaustive as one which is why it is an effective type of content for the type of audience who wants to get the gist of how to get a particular thing done without going through all the specifics.  For writers, this is a content that is rather easy to manipulate and create seeing as options are rather inexhaustible and seemingly endless. You basically focus on a single task at hand and create a step by step plan on how to accomplish it. 

In order for you how-to article to gain traction and efficacy, make it thorough and informative. Include diagrams and pictures as much as you can. 

In closing…

The options offered in this article are just a smidge of the various possibilities you can still try out there. When it comes to content creation, the possibilities are endless and in there is teeming potential for traction, traffic and audience engagement. Now, it is up to you to exploit that potential in your content strategies. 
Remember; do not stick to a particular type of content. Mix it up. 
Now, get up and get creating. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

5 Pointers for Attending SEO Seminars Alone
Attending ALONE in an SEO training Philippines can really be a nerve-racking, especially when you are not exposed to that kind of environment. Agree? While other seems to enjoy attending the seminar, other people find it boring and annoying. When anxiety sets your mind in, you suddenly think other things. The thought of not going to attend the seminar instead strikes you anytime, and/or wish that the seminar will be done as soon as possible. It is definitely awkward to be alone. Well, sitting, listening, and enduring the talk until the end won’t hurt you after all.

Technically speaking, it is certainly¬ NOT a pain when you attend a seminar. In fact, you can get more and more knowledge about how SEO works. Moreover, you definitely can attend a seminar while enjoy the talk, especially when you are just focused on getting the knowledge that you want to have. Sad to say, not all people feel that way.

When your boss tells you to attend a seminar alone to represent your company, then you don’t have a choice but to follow.  Well, fret not! Below are some pointers for you to be able to feel at ease and expose to that kind of situation.

1. Always come prepared

Laptop and its charger, paper and pen, markers, extension cords, etc., when you come prepared and is all set, then you don’t have to worry about anything else. When you need something, you  don’t have to borrow from the person sitting next to you, which makes it more awkward. Your seatmate might think of you as irresponsible for not bring the important things needed for the seminar. Moreover, when you have something to write about, it gives you the opportunity to take down strong points from the speaker easily and immediately.

2. Avoid distractions

Being distracted is definitely the enemy of being attentive. One of the reasons why you feel bored and annoyed is because you don’t listen to what the speaker is talking about. Perhaps, you are holding your phone while texting with your friends, or opening social media and doing your own thing. Well, that unless if it is related to the seminar that you are attending to. Tweeting about the talk, researching the terms the speaker used is an exception. However, you should not spend too much of your time on the things that you are doing since it will definitely distract your focus from the seminar.

3.  Seek potential acquaintances

Just because you are alone in attending the seminar, it doesn’t mean that you are not going to mingle with the other people. Making friends with the person sitting next to you, and/or with other potential people will definitely be to your advantage. The person whom you mingle with is most likely to share his/her own knowledge about the SEO. There is a caveat though, you have to be keen and/or observant to the people around. There are people who attend the seminar just for the sake of attending without any determination to learn new things. Well, you don’t have to literally avoid, but you can still stick to the plan on making friends with the knowledgeable ones.

4. Participate

One of the many things you can do to avoid boredom is to participate. When it comes to seminars, there will definitely some group activities or workshops and/or question and answer portion to know whether you have learned something or not. You have to mingle with other people in the room for you to lessen the awkwardness that you have felt. Mind you, it works! Moreover, the more you participate, the more knowledge that you can get. Knowledge that you can have only by doing some hands on activities.  There will also be a caveat though, just because you are participating, it doesn’t mean that you are already good at it. You also have to be mindful of the things that surround you and learn something from it.

5. Dress appropriately

Last but definitely not the least, if you want to be confident in going to seminars alone, then you should start by dressing yourself appropriately. Your outfit will speak about who and what you are. When you dress in a formal and/or semi-formal at the event, then people will see you as a respectable person.They will think of you as a knowledgeable person, even if you know that you don’t have any idea about it at all. Well, you have to show your worth through expressing it with the way you look and dress.

Online Marketing 101: Hashtags for Effective Marketing Campaigns

Ahh, hashtags.

 A fairly recent term for what used to be what people called a sharp key or a pound sign and an apparent evidence of just how much Internet Technology has evolved.

I must admit when I first heard of this rather colloquial word uttered by my friends, I was confused.

And when it started making its debut on social media such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, I was even more baffled. I had absolutely no idea why this nondescript pound sign which was followed with a bunch of seemingly unreadable words mashed next to it became suddenly popular and trendy
Deciding to ride with the trend, I started using hashtags in what would perhaps be the most inappropriate way possible. As I had no idea what using hashtags entailed, I just did what I thought what everyone was doing: write a pound sign and write a phrase or sentence next to it (no matter how long)

Of course, by now, all you social media-savvy users know that this is not the way to utilize a hashtag.

And when I did discover what novice mistakes I was making, I began to realize the true potential of the hashtag.

Marketing campaigns

When that sunk in, it became clear just how much this new online trend can be exploited and utilized by online business owners and marketers. However, utilizing the hashtag may seem easy but more often than not disastrous results can happen when applied incorrectly.  

Let this article serve as your guide in navigating the ways of how you can harness the true potential of the hashtag in your marketing campaigns.

Understand that placing a hashtag anywhere before a bunch of words would not help you 

 Placing a hashtag before a bunch of unreadable words may seem like a tempting idea to try, but it is the wrong way to go about how to use it. Additionally, it would not help the cause of your marketing campaign. If you are a smart internet marketing agency, you would know that this is a basic mistake.
Not only that, it would make you look #superannoying.

Hashtags when properly used can be a source of unifying force across all of your marketing campaigns, making you easy to find. To illustrate just how powerful the hashtag is, take a look at a local commercial you see being aired today and more often than not, you will see a hashtag splashed on the screen at some point.

This is an effective way of letting viewers know that should they want expansive information regarding a certain product or whatever is being promoted, you can find it online through that hashtagged phrase.

Twitter- Where it all began

This recent genius all started from Twitter where it made rounds the first time it was successfully introduced. However, there is no denying that its popularity has certainly spilled over other social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram—thus becoming a well-known staple variant for a profitable viral modern marketing campaign.

It has been stated that for maximum engagement, tweets with a hashtag or two are most effective. But be cautious, it has also been noted that exceeding two hashtags in a tweet decreased your chances of engagement by 17%. Choose your hashtags wisely and make sure they are appropriate to your campaign.

This alone can increase your exposure and your click-throughs on the site.

Tread carefully with Facebook

Facebook may allow the usage of hashtags but people who are on the site tend to abuse this feature granted by the social network. In fact, they have been so overused and inappropriately used in Facebook that research conducted by EdgeRank found that posts with hashtags had less engagement than those without.

Like twitter, the formula is easy. One or two hashtags a post will do you wonders and that fewer hashtags will grant you more engagement. However, it is not as straightforward as we want it to be. Utilizing hashtags on Facebook would require you to test out some of your campaigns and see if your audience is receptive to it.

Forgoing the usage in Facebook altogether is not exactly the best solution as you will lose the cohesion across cross networks that would better serve you ultimately. Just test out a formula and limit your hashtags.

Google+ is boon for your marketing campaign 

The beauty in using Google+ is that it automatically assigns a hashtag for your post even without you assigning one. Consequently, your post will be made searchable through the juggernaut of search engines. Additionally, when you don’t assign a hashtag on your post, Google would assign at least one to your post using your post text or the headline of the link should there be one.

Organizing their hashtags by category is also a feature and they include them in their searchable database as well as use them to collate trending topics. Let that sink in for a moment and marvel as this wonderful addition to the social network.

So there you have it, some useful tips to keep in mind the next time you hashtag a post. Keep in mind that hashtags are effective when they are used appropriately and sparingly. Picking just any bunch of words and phrase that comes to mind and hashtagging it is a preschool mistake. Use a hashtag that fits your campaign perfectly, give it a lot of contemplation and make sure no one else has been using it.

When you have found just the right hashtag for your post, you can maximize your engagement from there.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

DO’s and DON’TS of Using Emojis in Marketing Campaigns

Technology is evolving every single day.

That much is a fact as evidenced by how far advanced the Internet is nowadays compared to how it was ten years ago. Along with that evolution, was the rise of the social media trifecta: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These three juggernauts have managed to wheedle themselves into an average person’s daily lives.

And smart online marketing agencies are exploiting it. However, since the advent of this online rage, a few things have been making their rounds online as well. Consequently people both young and old are very receptive in utilizing it.

Take the Emoji for an example. What was once largely overlooked by users is now causing quite a stir and is making a lot of rounds online. And as of recently, it seems like even online marketers are capitalizing on its popularity. However, as tempting as lacing your marketing campaigns with Emojis is, this rather intrepid task is more of a hit or miss when being utilized in marketing campaigns.

But fear not, this article will walk you through the most basic DO’s and DON’TS in applying such in your campaigns.


Just because Emojis are trendy, it does not necessarily follow that every single one of your readers and followers can read them or speak it fluently.

Take a few seconds to give your post some brief contemplation, if it looks like it was composed by a teenager then odds are, you are doing it wrong. Apart from looking unprofessional, people would likely ignore your post because decoding your message is an absolute waste of time.

Stick to equal parts of message and Emojis. Use your words.


There is always a time and place for the usage of Emojis.

Conveying a serious message is not. Emojis are meant to be accompanied with lighthearted, humorous and fun posts. And if you want to have an effective marketing campaign, then you should stick to this tactic. The utilization of Emojis in conveying a serious message or post can earn you the ire of your audience.

It would not only seem shallow on your part, but incredibly insensitive and callous as well. Additionally, your sound advice would fall to deaf ears. Don’t make the mistake of favoring Millennial targeting over making your post sensible and judicious.


Emojis are popular because they are trendy and your readers and followers are rather receptive to it because it is familiar to them. And more often than not, these users employ Emojis in their daily communications which is why as a smart online marketer, you  should acquaint yourself better in the usage of such.

You do not have to create a customized set of Emojis just so you can relate to your audience better, use what is given to you instead.Develop a habit of using Emojis in communicating to your audience and never forget to include them in your campaign in order to make your marketing strategy more inclusive and interactive.

Have fun with the Emojis, think of ways you can turn those little icons into games and see your post gain traction.


A smart and practical way to utilize Emojis is to commemorate momentous occasions and events. Though some pre-composed Emoji laced messages might be more of a hit or miss thing, never underestimate the power of a well-timed Tweet that can benefit from an Emoji or a lot of Emojis.

The frequent utilization of Emojis by various brands manifest their human side to their customers, as should you as an online marketer. Should the occasion call for it, get creative with Emoji art (include them in your Tweets in the same way, you would in a text message). Of course, as earlier stated, be careful in utilizing Emojis when topics are sensitive and serious.

Let’s face it, Emojis are here to stay. And if you want a successful marketing campaign, it would not hurt to include something trendy such as these Emojis.

After all, isn’t it much better to accompany your message with a round smiley faced fellow rather than a text that simply states *smiles*?

Friday, September 4, 2015

4 Simple Tips for Dealing with Upset Clients on Social Media

What do you usually do when you unintentionally upset your clients? Have you done anything wrong that leads them to be upset? Why do you think your potential clients are upset with the post that you have? How will you handle their frustrations and critics towards you? How will you let them understand that what you have done was not on your purpose? What did you do to calm them down?

Yes, when it comes to social media, your approach towards your potential and target clients will be much different than in person. You have the need to know what words you should use in order to fit the context of what you are trying to imply. Moreover, the tone of your content should be convincing for you to immediately grab their attention before anything else. Sad to say, there are just times that we tend to forget all of these things and do whatever we want to do.

Well sometimes, we are not aware that we already have offended our clients. If you could just talk with your client personally, then it is better and easier for you to make things go back to normal. However, you are dealing with a client through social media, which makes it more challenging on your end on to how you are going to let them understand the situation. If you are one of those people who are still stuck on these kind situations, then here are some simple and effective tips for you to deal with your upset clients on social media.

Respond no matter what

Misunderstanding between you and your client will definitely not be resolved if you don't respond to their critics immediately. Especially when your clients have some complaints about your post, then it is your responsibility as a marketer to let them know and understand the things on what you are trying to imply to them, in as much as simple way as possible.

Remember, there are hundreds to thousands of people who can see your post, and if you don’t respond and just ignore it, they might think that you don’t care about your target audience at all. Well, you don't need to fret too much since your clients will definitely understand if you just know how to explain it to them.

Be patient and understanding

There will be times that your client will try to argue with you on social media and insist that they are right about what they believe. However, even if they have the right to complain, it doesn’t mean that they will always be right. You also have the right to explain your side about the post that you have on social media. Of course, you have to be patient and understanding with your clients in order for you to effectively convince them that what you have posted is true.

Contact your client privately

Arguing with your client on social media is an act of unprofessional. You do not attack them with words below the post that you have. Of course, the conversation between you and your client will bring some attention to the other people. And it is not an ideal thing to do if you are protecting your reputation.

One of the best ways you can lessen the tension is to communicate with them privately. It will definitely not hurt you if you extend some time and effort in letting them understand what you want to impart to them. Also, this is also a way for you to know how and why they are upset with the post that you have, and know their side of their story.

Consider asking your client to remove the comment

It might be embarrassing to ask for a small favor from your client, however, it is the only way you can make the negative conversation stop.  Moreover, if you just leave the negative comment on your post, a lot of people can still read it and might try to continue the conversation that you had.  With that, your reputation as a marketer will definitely be destroy and people will not trust you anymore.

If you want to save your reputation, asking your client to remove the negative comment will not hurt you. Just at least reach out to them and let them understand what you want imply to them.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Effective Tips to Try in Reaching and Maximizing Word Count

"I am ten words short"

"My article has an excess of fifteen words"

"Is there any other way I could rephrase this so that I can reach my word count?"

"…just three words more so that I can finally reach the word count and hit publish"

Do these sound familiar?  I bet they do.

Whether you are a regular content provider for SEO companies that specialize in link building services or a blogger or just plainly writing for academic purposes, at some point in your writing endeavors, you have encountered this dilemma.

The word count.

That little insignificant number on the corner of your screen may be the cause of your biggest frustration and disdain for writing articles.

In some cases, it can stunt the quality of one's craft. It can go both ways, you can either be rephrasing the same paragraph over an hour just to meet the designated word count or chop your paragraphs endlessly so as not to exceed the limit.

This may seem insignificant to some but to those of us who are in the business of producing articles online, this little trivial number is taken in serious consideration. None of us want to produce articles too short so as not to make a significant ping in Google's search engine but neither of us wants to compose long-winded and excessively prolix write-ups either so as to make our readers bored with tedious writing.

So how do we come into terms with this? How do we harmonize word count and our workflow without having to compromise the quality of our craft?
Here are some tips specifically addressed to that predicament:


Do expansive research 

This one is self-explanatory and rather obvious, however, most writers overlook this incredibly simple and straightforward tip in favor of writing more articles in order to meet their quota. It pays to research your topic widely as this will aid you in writing your articles not only better but with authority as it is backed with well researched materials. It only makes sense, the more you know about a topic, the more you can write about it.

Practice every day

Designate a couple of hours to write each and every day even if you are not working. This will encourage you to write better articles and produce quality content. Additionally, this can help you meet your word count at ease. The more you write, the more ideas you will get. Think of a random topic and write about it and disregard the word count after you are done, go back and check how many words you have poured in. If you do this habitually, you will eventually see some progress in meeting your word count.

Think critically 

This tip will only work if you have done more than adequate research. When you are doing a research on a particular topic you are to write about, do not stop at having sufficient knowledge. Always aim for more. From this, you can sift and choose which ones you would like to include in your article and elaborate them well within the article. Expansive research helps you think critically and when you do think critically, the content you produce is not only of great quality but is backed by evidentiary facts as well.


Eliminate articles, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, etc.

These articles are necessary in order to make transitions in our write-ups better. Additionally, they make something particularly clear. But more often than not, they are just fillers and they can be eliminated while retaining the core substance of your article.

Disregard anything that does not specifically relate to your main point 

Avoid long-winded discussions and unnecessary detailing so as to aid you in successfully meeting the word count without exceeding it. Not only will this drive your main point home, but it would successfully keep your readers attention on your article.

Wrap everything up in at a maximum of three sentences

Do not write excessive conclusions. Keep it short and wrap everything up in at least three sentences. Remember, if you still have to say it in the conclusion then maybe you could have elaborated on the body a bit more.

These are just a few of the tips you can follow in order to aid you in writing articles with a strict word count. Though getting the precise word count for you article is a hit or miss occurrence and there is no exact formula in order to get it, following these tips may aid you in your future writing endeavors. So apply these tips, get to writing and conquer the ever elusive art of mastering the word count.

Tips and Tricks Online Content Writers Can Learn From Fiction Writers

You may think that there must be something vastly wrong with the title. How can content marketing ever get tips from fiction writers?

Content writers provide information that could potentially lead to link building services while fiction writers still do offer substantial information but would more towards creative writing.  How do you harmonize both? Moreover, how is anything in content writing related to fiction writing?

Is there even a similarity between the two?

A common misconception is that there is none. However, like fiction writing, content writing in itself is still a form of storytelling and because this is so, content writers can take a leaf or two out of a fiction writer's style and technique in drafting unique content. Here are some of a few:

Polish your article. If it sounds too much like a write-up, go back and rewrite.

Should your writing sound too formal and stiff, you would bore your readers. Try to give your articles new spins every single time you write and never stick to a single formula. Sure, it may be trusted and it may work, but bear in mind that this is the easiest way for you readers to grow tedious of your work and for you to find your craft monotonous.

A few tips would be to avoid adverbs where possible as more often than not, we utilize this just to boost our word count. Additionally, keep things short and concise by not going into great detail when describing things unless you are rather excellent at it and lastly, leave out anything that you think your readers may tend to skip. To elaborate, if anything in your content sounds awkward, formal or stuffy upon verbal reading, omit it.

Use your words to show not to tell 

Consumers are tricky persons, they would not want you to boast about how great your product is, they want concrete examples of just how amazing and awesome it is. Telling them just won't cut it, you need specifics and stories. This is where anecdotes will come in handy.

 Detailing how great your product is may seem more appropriate in non-fiction content marketing, however, mix it up with a few images here and there. Prove your point by writing about actions instead of just telling it straight out.

Utilize suspense 

Like fiction, content marketing is about creating suspense. Tell a story and have a great build up, have unresolved mysteries that you would wrap up by the end of your article. In essence, this is what keeps a reader in your blog and which would make them read it from start to finish.

Avoid answering all questions before you reach at the end of your blog. Maintain a good balance between achieving just the right amount of suspense and filling the gaps between unresolved questions and their respective answers. Make sure that at the end of your article, you have successfully delivered the resolution to the mystery you have crafted.

Write what you love not about what you think you're supposed to write

This may seem impractical seeing that as content marketers, we don't have much room to let our creative juices flowing with the topics we are most passionate about but consider that for every niche there is, there is room for something that would potentially interest you.

 Always keep in mind that if you do not want to read it, there's a chance that nobody else would want to either.

Learn from other writers just like yourself 

There is always room for learning and writing is a never-ending process of learning. Take it from other writers who have more experience than you and observe how they craft their articles. Read a lot of blog posts, especially ones that you really enjoy and absorb their skills.

All in all, as bloggers and content marketers we need to make sure our craft is something that our readers will enjoy so that we can be assured that they would come back for more. A key element in doing this is to continuously mix it up which is why, as writers we can take a leaf or two from those seasoned writers who always keep readers flipping from one page to another, the fiction writers. Once we master this, we would not only succeed in garnering more readers, we would polish our skills as well.